logoChildren Of Watamu  

 registered charity number 1098731

Please donate via JustGiving.

To set up a standing order with our bank: E-mail for details

Parcel post

It's always exciting to get new things for our children at Happy House. And with visitors still sparse, as they have been since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, our storeroom has been much depleted. 

We've missed all the wonderful clothes and essential that tourists and friends bring for the children when they travel to Watamu. 

As we reported Paul Hatch, a friend and trusteem brought lots of lovely things when he arrived - gifts from his mum Betty his family and friends. 

Hot on the tail of those gifts was a parcel sent by Betty, who likes nothing more than to go shopping for cothing bargains for Happy House. She very kindly meets all the costs of her parcels too, including import taxes,

Here Auntie Velma says a big thank you to our much loved Auntie Betty.

Visitors from the UK
Out to lunch

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Copyright © 2020 Children of Watamu Reg. Charity No.1098731

Registered in the Republic of Kenya with the Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Development as a Charitable Children’s Institution. CS No. 000573

site developed free by Chris Franklin  and hosted by KRYSTAL hosting