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 registered charity number 1098731

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School Report: Mammoth task for Mama

Reviewing your child's progress with their teacher is important for every parent, so imagine what it's like for Mama Sue with more than 100 kids to keep up with!
So while teachers held an academic clinic for parents in our school in one morning, it takes Mama slightly longer to get through all our family children, and scholarship kids too.
So Saturday mornings have provided a chance for her to meet individual children with their teachers.
It's very important for Mama and for her kids to know that she really cares about their performance and is keen to encourage and inspire them to do their best.
Some of our upper primary kids have been out and about enjoying cross country running, while the lower primary pupils have been learning to play cricket,
Our KG3 pupils have been nurturing their individual creative talents by performing a play guided by Auntie Coral.

Happy outing for room winners
An evening to in-Spire!

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Copyright © 2020 Children of Watamu Reg. Charity No.1098731

Registered in the Republic of Kenya with the Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Development as a Charitable Children’s Institution. CS No. 000573

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